Hands-On History: Geography Activities

This book includes game-formatted activities for major historical topics.
37.90 ea

This book includes game-formatted activities for major historical topics. While the goal of these activities is to create excitement and to spark interest in further study, they are also standards based and include grading rubrics and ideas for assessment. Will help you take an active approach to teaching while inspiring your students to make their own explorations of history. 176 pages. Grades 3-8.

Ancient Civilizations: Covers the study of Ancient Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome.

American History: Important events include Colonial America, The American Revolution, American Indian Experience, The Civil War, The Oregon Trail, Immigration, and the Civil Rights Movement.

World History: Important events include Medieval Civilizations, the Byzantine Empire, the Muslim Empire, the Ancient Americas, Asia, Africa, the Renaissance, and the 20th century.

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