Once you're finished adding items to your order, you can process the order by clicking on Checkout from the Shopping Cart to process your order (you can always come back until the final processing). You'll be required to step through a number of pages and enter your personal, address, and payment information.
If you've registered for an account with the John R. Green Co. system, we'll be able to track all your information from your registration. You'll find that most of these forms are already filled in, and you'll have more options for saving an order and selecting a shipping address.
On the next to last page of the checkout process, you'll see a form allowing you to specify shipping information for the order. You can enter a Purchase Order number to identify the order to your receiving department. You can also specify the Marked Carton Lines (which will appear on the order as ATTN: lines), and any special instructions you may have. All the information on this page is optional.
The last page will show you your order information for confirmation purposes. Please review the information on this page and make sure it is correct. If not, use the Back to correct any errors. When your order is correct and complete, you can click the Process Order button to enter the order into work. You'll see a receipt of the order - please print that out for your records.